

June 4, 2022 – July 31, 2022



「我總是對非風景式的攝影感到興趣,但直到搬到洛杉磯後,才逐漸嘗試對於畫面的重組以及主導,我覺得自己在這方面可以有原創性和抒發性。  我目前創作中的作品非常脫離現實,整體不特意強調線索及細節,營造出一種既愉悅又不安的感覺,它們是夢之景/境(Dreamscape)。」
George Byrne creates large-scale photos that depict everyday surfaces and landscapes as painterly abstractions. Borrowing from the clean, vivid clarity of modernist painting, he also references the New Topographics photography movement via a subject matter firmly entrenched in the urban everyday.
“I’d always been interested in anti-landcsape photography, but it wasn’t until I moved to LA and started shooting in color and experimenting with manipulation and assemblage that I felt I was able to do anything very expressive or original with it. The images I’m making now are quite removed from reality, but I tend to bury the lead and not let the seams distract. Hence the effect is hopefully one of pleasure and disconcertion. They are dreamscapes."
Born in Sydney in 1976, Byrne graduated from Sydney College Of The Arts in 2001, travelled extensively, and then settled in Los Angeles in 2011 - where he now lives and works.  Byrne is currently represented by Galleries in Taipei, New York, Vancouver and Sydney, his works are collected worldwide.

Blue Circle Eagle Rock, 47.5” x 58.75”/120.65 x 149.23cm, 2021